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Sharp MX -3070 - 6070 Adding Scanning Email Addresses

Thomas Trumpler
  1. Access the Web Interface: Open a web browser on a computer connected to the same network as the Sharp MX-3070 copier. Enter the copier's IP address in the address bar to access the web interface.

  2. Navigate to Address Book: Once logged in, navigate to the Address Book section. This is where you can manage the scanning email addresses.

  3. Enter Address Information: Fill in the required information: Address Name (Required): Provide a name for the address.

  • Register this Address to be added to the [Frequent Use] index: Check this box if you want to add the address to the frequently used list.

  • E-mail Address (Required): Enter the recipient's email address.

  • Set as Default (if applicable): Check this box if you want to set this email address as the default option.

  • Submit: After entering the required details, submit the information. The new email address will now be added to the copier's address book.


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